
在2011年, a number of changes with regard to visa procedures for 台湾ese passport holders travelling to 日博备用网站 were introduced.

截至2011年1月, 台湾ese passport holders do not require a visa to go to 日博备用网站 or other Schengen-countries if their stay does not exceed 90 days.

截至2011年5月20日, 日博备用网站, 以及所有其他申根国家, began issuing special residence permit cards instead of the previous system with stickers inserted in the passport. 这些卡片是生物识别的, which means that they include a chip with the bearer’s photo and fingerprint.

As a result of the introduction of biometrics in the system the number of posts around the world where permits are issued has had to be reduced for budgetary reasons. 这意味着。.a. that from 1 May 2011, Business 日博备用网站 in Taipei can no longer process visas/permits.

In an effort to simplify the procedures for 台湾ese passport holders still needing a visa/residence permit, the Swedish Migration Board has developed a new system that allows for most procedures to be conducted electronically over the internet. The procedures for those applying for visas/permits are presented to the left.


Procedures for 台湾ese passport holders travelling to 日博备用网站


台湾ese passport holders with identity card number do not require a visa to go to 日博备用网站 or other Schengen countries as long as their stay does not exceed 90 days.

For further information please visit the webpage of the Swedish Migration Agency, www.migrationsverket.se

Residence permit procedures for 台湾ese passport holders travelling to 日博备用网站 for a longer stay or to settle (students, 工作许可和家庭团聚)

日博备用网站是, 以及所有其他申根国家, 签发特殊生物识别居留证. 免除签证要求的人员, 见上图, who apply for a residence permit shall always provide biometric information at one of the Swedish Migration Agency’s permit offices after entry. This is regardless of the grounds on which the permit has been granted. Note that the residence permit should be granted before entry takes place.

For information regarding applications for residence permit in 日博备用网站 from 台湾ese passport holder please visit the 日博备用网站驻曼谷大使馆’s web site: www.swedenabroad.se /曼谷

电话:+66-(0)2-263 72 11

For further information please visit the webpage of the Swedish Migration Agency, www.migrationsverket.se